Our Mission
The National Academy of Forensic Engineers and its members are committed to:
Serving the public by advancing the ethical and professional practice of forensic engineering;
Serving the jurisprudential system by certifying individuals having achieved expertise in forensic engineering;
Serving Academy members and furthering the development of forensic engineers through education and the publication of peer-reviewed technical literature.

History of NAFE
From its conception in the late 1970s NAFE was intended as an educational institution to foster and teach competent practice by PE’s in the legal system, avoiding commercialism and emphasizing ethics. A program of lectures giving examples of actual FE practice situations would be the modality of the presentations, followed then by Technical Peer Review prior to Publication. After drafting of the governing documents, filing of the new NAFE corporation was made in the District of Columbia on May 25, 1982 [later moved to Virginia]. The first general meeting of the Academy was held in conjunction with the NSPE meetings of January, 1984 in San Francisco. Ninety FE’s attended and detailed lectures about FE practice were presented.

What is Forensic Engineering?
Forensic Engineering is "the application of the art and science of engineering in matters which are in, or may possibly relate to, the jurisprudence system, inclusive of alternative dispute resolution".
Matters in litigation often involve technical issues that require experts to sort out and explain to their clients, report to opposing parties, and ultimately explain to a judge and jury. Forensic Engineers investigate, research, report, and sometimes testify at deposition and trial.

Among the benefits of NAFE membership, our conferences provide the greatest opportunities for professional development. Meeting with other professionals who share the same "knack" for understanding how things work - we learn from one another and become better practitioners. We exchange practice tips, discuss best practices, and actually get to know one another over time. Whether face-to-face or virtual, NAFE conferences are a stimulating blend of education and fellowship.
Twice each year, summer and winter, NAFE presents two full days of educational seminars. NAFE is a recognized provider of Continuing Professional Development credits by State Professional Engineering Boards, and provides certificates to attendees.

Journal of NAFE
The Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to supporting forensic engineering in all engineer disciplines. Many of the articles are available at no cost to the public.